Unique Facts About Indonesia
Together with his companions stayed up late preparing the draft manuscript proclamation in the house of Admiral Maeda.
"Pating greges", complained Bung Karno after doctors rebuilt his favorite. Then the blood flowed and downing pills chinineurethan intramusculair chinine bromine. Then he slept again.
At 09.00, Bung Karno awakened. White spruce and white and meet her friend, Bung Hatta. Exactly at 10.00, both proclaimed the independence of Indonesia from the porch of the house.
"So brothers and sisters! We all have freedom!", Said Bung Karno in front of a handful of true patriots patriots. They then sang the national anthem while waving the flag of red and white heritage. After the brief ceremony, Bungk Karno back to her bedroom. Still feverish. But a revolution has begun ...
Indonesia's Independence Proclamation Ceremony was held without a protocol, no corps music, no conductor and no pancaragam. Flagpole was made from bamboo stems are rough, and planted just a few minutes before the ceremony. But that's, fact which happened in a ceremony that sekaral-awaited for more than three hundred years!
43 years after independence, Indonesia has a first minister who is really "indigenous Indonesian people." Because all the previous ministers were born before August 17, 1945. That means, they never became citizens of the Netherlands East Indies and / or occupation of Japan, because the state law of the Republic of Indonesia does not yet exist at that time.
"The speaker of Indonesia's first" the minister was Ir Akbar Tanjung (born in Sibolga, North Sumatra, 30 August 1945), as Minister of Youth and Sport at the V Development Cabinet (1988-1993).
According to the Proclamation of August 17, 1945, Borneo is an integral part of Indonesian territory. In fact, the most unique island in the world. On the island, there are 3 heads of state who ruled! President Suharto (4 regions ruled province), Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad (Sabah and Sarawak) and Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (Brunei).
Relations between Indonesia and the Hollywood revolution, indeed close. Every June 1, is always celebrated as the Day of Birth of Pancasila during President Sukarno.
In 1956, the event was "almost by chance" is celebrated in a Hollywood hotel.
Bung Karno was invited legendary actress, Marilyn Monroe, for a dinner at the Hotel Beverly Hills, Hollywood. Present among them Gregory Peck, George Murphy and Ronald Reagan (25 years later became U.S. President). What is unique from the party ahead of the Birthday of Pancasila, it is folly Marilyn in terms of protocol. At the party, Maryln Bung Karno greeted not with "Mr President" or "Your Excellency", but with the "Prince of Soekarno!"
There is another close relationship between 17 August and Hollywood. Title of speech August 17, 1964, "Year Perilocoso Vivere" (Years Full Danger), has been used as the title of a movie The Year of Living Dangerously. The film tells pegalaman a foreign journalist in Indonesia in the 1960s. In 1984, a movie starring Mel Gibson that got the Oscar for foreign movie category!
The original manuscript text of the Proclamation of Independence of Indonesia which was handwritten by Bung Karno and Bung Hatta dictated by, was never held and stored by the Government! Surprisingly, it precisely historical manuscripts stored properly by the journalist BM Diah. Diah found the draft proclamation is in the trash at the house of Admiral Maeda, August 17, 1945 early morning, after being copied and typed by Sajuti Melik.
On May 29, 1992, Diah submit the draft to President Soeharto, after saving for 46 years 9 months 19 days.
When he arrived in the Port of Sunda Kelapa noon July 9, 1942, Sukarno issued a first comment is odd to hear. After serving and disposal by the Dutch exile outside Java, would not discuss the Bung Karno strategic struggle against colonialism. The problem is talking about, just about the piece suit!
"Cut your coat is wonderful!" Bung Karno's first comment about the double breast coat worn by former in-law, Anwar Tjikoroaminoto, who picked her up along with Bung Hatta and a handful of nationalist leaders.
Taste-taste in this world, only the founding fathers of Indonesia had a shower urine. When I got home from Dalat (Cipanasnya Saigon), Vietnam, August 13, 1945, with Sukarno Hatta, dr Radjiman Wedyodiningrat and Dr. Suharto (personal physician Bung Karno) fighter bomber boarded a double motor. On the way, Sukarno wanted to urinate, but there was no place. After thought, sought a way out for the desire that is not restrained it. Seeing the small holes in the wall plane, that's where his little Bung Karno release urination. Because the wind was so strong at all, bersemburlah urine and soaked it all passengers. Byuuur ...
Thanks to the lies, the events of August 17, 1945 Proclamation sacred can be documented and witnessed by us until now. When the Japanese army wanted to rob the negative images that perpetuate such an important event, Frans Mendoer, a photographer who recorded the moments of the proclamation, lie to them. She said it had no negative and already submitted to the Barisan Pioneer, a movement of struggle. Hearing the answer, the Japanese were outraged.
Though the film negatives were planted under a tree in the courtyard of King Asia Daily Office. After the Japanese left, the negative diafdruk and widely published to be enjoyed until now. How about being honest Mendoer in Japan?
This time, Bung Hatta, who lied for the sake of the proclamation. Time period of revolution, Bung Karno Bung Hatta ordered for assistance weapons to Jawaharlal Nehru. How to go to India was done in secret. Bung Hatta wearing a passport under the name "Abdullah, co-pilot."
Then he departed with a piloted aircraft Biju Patnaik, an industrialist who later became ministers in the cabinet of Prime Minister Morarji Desai. Bung Hatta treated very respectfully by Nehru and asked to meet Mahatma Gandhi. Hatta Nehru is an old friend since the 1920s and Gandhi knew the struggle Hatta.
After the meeting, Gandhi was told by Nehru that "Abdullah" is Mohammad Hatta. What Gandhi's reaction? He was furious to Nehru, because not told the truth. "You are a wild!" charismatic leaders said that the Nehru
When August 17 became the date of birth of Indonesia, precisely date the date of death to the originator of the pillars of Indonesia. On that date, the creator of the national anthem "Indonesia Raya", WR Soepratman (d. 1937) and the originator of Indonesian science, Herman van der Tuuk Neubronner (d. 1894) died.
Flag Red White and celebration of the seven teens is not the monopoly of Indonesia. Flag pattern similar to the flag of the Kingdom of Monaco and the mode of its independence day with the day the proclamation of the Republic of Gabon (a West African countries) of the free August 17, 1960.
Jakarta, Indonesia where diproklamasikannya independence and the city where the Bung Karno and Bung Hatta fight, do not provide sufficient benefits to commemorate the co-proclaimer Indonesia. Until this moment, no "Road Soekarno-Hatta" in the capital Jakarta. In fact, their names have never perpetuated for an object of any public facility building until 1985, when an airport was inaugurated by wearing their name.
Degree Proclaimers to Bung Karno and Bung Hatta, just the title given the people of Indonesia spoken to him for 41 years! Therefore, the new 1986 Permerintah proclaimer officially award to them.
If only proposal received Bung Hatta, Indonesia would have "more than two" proclaimer. The period following the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence concepts finished manuscript is prepared in the home of Admiral Maeda, Jl Imam Bonjol No. 1, Jakarta, Bung Hatta propose all those present at the meeting that day din signed text of the proclamation to be read out in the morning. But the proposal was rejected by Soekarni, a young man in attendance. The meeting was attended by Soekarno, Hatta and candidates who failed proclaimer: Achmad Soebardjo, Soekarni and Sajuti Melik.
"Huh, given the chance to make history not want to", grumbled Bung Hatta because his proposal was rejected.
Frontal struggle against the Dutch, was not only taken the lives of ordinary people, but also a cabinet minister RI. Supeno, Minister of Development and Youth in Hatta Cabinet, was the only Dutch minister who was shot dead.
A tip of the revolver, put into his mouth and blown up brutally by a Dutch soldier. Penetrating bullet hit his left temple. The incident occurred on February 24, 1949 morning at a place in Nganjuk, East Java. At that time, Soepeno and his aide was in the shower a waterfall shower.
There is no country in the world who have capital of up to three in a relatively short period of time. Between 1945 and 1948, Indonesia had 3 capital cities, namely Jakarta (1945-1946), Yogyakarta (1946-1948) and Bukittinggi (1948-1949).
Commander of the Indonesian National Army General Sudirman, the prnah in fact not an official position in the cabinet RI.
He never became Army Chief of Staff, Armed Forces Commander, even though the defense minister!
Puppet proved to have jinxed the symbol for the regime that ruled Indonesia. Imagine, in 1938-1939, the Government of the Netherlands East Indies via De Javasche Bank issued banknotes series of puppet people and in 1942, the Japanese defeated the Dutch East Indies collapsed.
In 1943, occupation of the Government of Japan issued a series of paper money and Gatotkoco Arjuna puppet and 1945, the Japanese were expelled from Indonesia by the Allies.
Paa, 1964, President Sukarno issued a new banknote series puppet with broken Rp 1 and Rp 2.5 and 1965 into the early collapse of his government following the events of G30S/PKI.
The first command when selected as President Sukarno of Indonesia's first president, not forming a cabinet or signed a decree, but calling for satay!
That was done on the way home, after being elected by acclamation as president. Incidentally on the road to meet a bare-chested and satay handyman nyeker (not barefoot).
"Satay chicken skewer fifty!", The command of President Sukarno.
Sate eaten with gusto, near a ditch that dirty. And that is, the first command to his people as well as the first party on his appointment as leader of 70 million more people than a large country that was only one day.
We already know, the relationship between the Bung Karno and the Netherlands are not intimate. But the Dutch never gave memories that will never be forgotten by Bun Karno.
Six days before Christmas 1948, the Dutch give Christmas presents on Sunday morning, when people want to go to church, a bomb that destroyed the roof of his kitchen. That day, December 19, 1948, the capital of Jogjakarta fall into the hands of Holland.
Sutan Sjahrir, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia first, to be an Indonesian who has the achievement of "extraordinary" and there will never be a match. When he died 1966 in Zurich, Switzerland, its status as political prisoners. But the time was buried in Jakarta a few days later, its status changed as a National Hero of Indonesia.
Fakta Unik Tentang Indonesia
Begadang bersama para sahabatnya menyusun konsep naskah proklamasi di rumah Laksamana Maeda.
"Pating greges", keluh Bung Karno setelah dibangunkan dokter kesayangannya. Kemudian darahnya dialiri chinineurethan intramusculair dan menenggak pil brom chinine. Lalu ia tidur lagi.
Pukul 09.00, Bung Karno terbangun. Berpakaian rapi putih-putih dan menemui sahabatnya, Bung Hatta. Tepat pukul 10.00, keduanya memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia dari serambi rumah.
"Demikianlah Saudara-saudara! Kita sekalian telah merdeka!", ujar Bung Karno di hadapan segelintir patriot-patriot sejati. Mereka lalu menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan sambil mengibarkan bendera pusaka Merah Putih. Setelah upacara yang singkat itu, Bungk Karno kembali ke kamar tidurnya. Masih meriang. Tapi sebuah revolusi telah dimulai...
Upacara Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia ternyata berlangsung tanpa protokol, tak ada korps musik, tak ada konduktor dan tak ada pancaragam. Tiang bendera pun dibuat dari batang bambu secara kasar, serta ditanam hanya beberapa menit menjelang upacara. Tetapi itulah, kenyataan yang yang terjadi pada sebuah upacara sekaral yang dinanti-nanti selama lebih dari tiga ratus tahun!
Setelah merdeka 43 tahun, Indonesia baru memiliki seorang menteri pertama yang benar-benar "orang Indonesia asli". Karena semua menteri sebelumnya lahir sebelum 17 Agustus 1945. Itu berarti, mereka pernah menjadi warga Hindia Belanda dan atau pendudukan Jepang, sebab negara hukum Republik Indonesia memang belum ada saat itu.
"Orang Indonesia asli" pertama yang menjadi menteri adalah Ir Akbar Tanjung (lahir di Sibolga, Sumatera Utara, 30 Agustus 1945), sebagai Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga pada Kabinet Pembangunan V (1988-1993).
Menurut Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945, Kalimantan adalah bagian integral wilayah hukum Indonesia. Kenyataannya, pulau tersebut paling unik di dunia. Di pulau tersebut, ada 3 kepala negara yang memerintah! Presiden Soeharto (memerintah 4 wilayah provinsi), PM Mahathir Mohamad (Sabah dan Serawak) serta Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (Brunei).
Hubungan antara revolusi Indonesia dan Hollywood, memang dekat. Setiap 1 Juni, selalu diperingati sebagai Hari Lahir Pancasila semasa Presiden Soekarno.
Pada 1956, peristiwa tersebut "hampir secara kebetulan" dirayakan di sebuah hotel Hollywood.
Bung Karno saat itu mengundang aktris legendaris, Marylin Monroe, untuk sebuah makan malam di Hotel Beverly Hills, Hollywood. Hadir di antaranya Gregory Peck, George Murphy dan Ronald Reagan (25 tahun kemudian menjadi Presiden AS). Yang unik dari pesta menjelang Hari Lahir Pancasila itu, adalah kebodohan Marilyn dalam hal protokol. Pada pesta itu, Maryln menyapa Bung Karno bukan dengan "Mr President" atau "Your Excellency", tetapi dengan "Prince Soekarno!"
Ada lagi hubungan erat antara 17 Agustus dan Hollywood. Judul pidato 17 Agustus 1964, "Tahun Vivere Perilocoso" (Tahun yang Penuh Bahaya), telah dijadikan judul sebuah film The Year of Living Dangerously. Film tersebut menceritakan pegalaman seorang wartawan asing di Indonesia pada 1960-an. Pada 1984, film yang dibintangi Mel Gibson itu mendapat Oscar untuk kategori film asing!
Naskah asli teks Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ditulis tangan oleh Bung Karno dan didikte oleh Bung Hatta, ternyata tidak pernah dimiliki dan disimpan oleh Pemerintah! Anehnya, naskah historis tersebut justru disimpan dengan baik oleh wartawan BM Diah. Diah menemukan draft proklamasi itu di keranjang sampah di rumah Laksamana Maeda, 17 Agustus 1945 dini hari, setelah disalin dan diketik oleh Sajuti Melik.
Pada 29 Mei 1992, Diah menyerahkan draft tersebut kepada Presiden Soeharto, setelah menyimpannya selama 46 tahun 9 bulan 19 hari.
Ketika tiba di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa 9 Juli 1942 siang bolong, Bung Karno mengeluarkan komentar pertama yang janggal didengar. Setelah menjalani pengasingan dan pembuangan oleh Belanda di luar Jawa, Bung Karno justru tidak membicarakan strategis perjuangan menentang penjajahan. Masalah yang dibicarakannya, hanya tentang sepotong jas!
"Potongan jasmu bagus sekali!" komentar Bung Karno pertama kali tentang jas double breast yang dipakai oleh bekas iparnya, Anwar Tjikoroaminoto, yang menjemputnya bersama Bung Hatta dan segelintir tokoh nasionalis.
Rasa-rasanya di dunia ini, hanya the founding fathers Indonesia yang pernah mandi air seni. Saat pulang dari Dalat (Cipanasnya Saigon), Vietnam, 13 Agustus 1945, Soekarno bersama Bung Hatta, dr Radjiman Wedyodiningrat dan dr Soeharto (dokter pribadi Bung Karno) menumpang pesawat fighter bomber bermotor ganda. Dalam perjalanan, Soekarno ingin sekali buang air kecil, tetapi tak ada tempat. Setelah dipikir, dicari jalan keluarnya untuk hasrat yang tak tertahan itu. Melihat lubang-lubang kecil di dinding pesawat, di situlah Bung Karno melepaskan hajat kecilnya. Karena angin begitu kencang sekali, bersemburlah air seni itu dan membasahi semua penumpang. Byuuur...
Berkat kebohongan, peristiwa sakral Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945 dapat didokumentasikan dan disaksikan oleh kita hingga kini. Saat tentara Jepang ingin merampas negatif foto yang mengabadikan peristiwa penting tersebut, Frans Mendoer, fotografer yang merekam detik-detik proklamasi, berbohong kepada mereka. Dia bilang tak punya negatif itu dan sudah diserahkan kepada Barisan Pelopor, sebuah gerakan perjuangan. Mendengar jawaban itu, Jepang pun marah besar.
Padahal negatif film itu ditanam di bawah sebuah pohon di halaman Kantor harian Asia Raja. Setelah Jepang pergi, negatif itu diafdruk dan dipublikasi secara luas hingga bisa dinikmati sampai sekarang. Bagaimana kalau Mendoer bersikap jujur pada Jepang?
Kali ini, Bung Hatta yang berbohong demi proklamasi. Waktu masa revolusi, Bung Karno memerintahkan Bung Hatta untuk meminta bantuan senjata kepada Jawaharlal Nehru. Cara untuk pergi ke India pun dilakukan secara rahasia. Bung Hatta memakai paspor dengan nama "Abdullah, co-pilot".
Lalu beliau berangkat dengan pesawat yang dikemudikan Biju Patnaik, seorang industrialis yang kemudian menjadi menteri pada kabinet PM Morarji Desai. Bung Hatta diperlakukan sangat hormat oleh Nehru dan diajak bertemu Mahatma Gandhi. Nehru adalah kawan lama Hatta sejak 1920-an dan Gandhi mengetahui perjuangan Hatta.
Setelah pertemuan, Gandhi diberi tahu oleh Nehru bahwa "Abdullah" itu adalah Mohammad hatta. Apa reaksi Gandhi? Dia marah besar kepada Nehru, karena tidak diberi tahu yang sebenarnya. "You are a liar !" ujar tokoh kharismatik itu kepada Nehru
Bila 17 Agustus menjadi tanggal kelahiran Indonesia, justru tanggal tersebut menjadi tanggal kematian bagi pencetus pilar Indonesia. Pada tanggal itu, pencipta lagu kebangsaan "Indonesia Raya", WR Soepratman (wafat 1937) dan pencetus ilmu bahasa Indonesia, Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk (wafat 1894) meninggal dunia.
Bendera Merah Putih dan perayaan tujuh belasan bukanlah monopoli Indonesia. Corak benderanya sama dengan corak bendera Kerajaan Monaco dan hari kemerdekaannya sama dengan hari proklamasi Republik Gabon (sebuah negara di Afrika Barat) yang merdeka 17 Agustus 1960.
Jakarta, tempat diproklamasikannya kemerdekaan Indonesia dan kota tempat Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta berjuang, tidak memberi imbalan yang cukup untuk mengenang co-proklamator Indonesia. Sampai detik ini, tidak ada "Jalan Soekarno-Hatta" di ibu kota Jakarta. Bahkan, nama mereka tidak pernah diabadikan untuk sebuah objek bangunan fasilitas umum apa pun sampai 1985, ketika sebuah bandara diresmikan dengan memakai nama mereka.
Gelar Proklamator untuk Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta, hanyalah gelar lisan yang diberikan rakyat Indonesia kepadanya selama 41 tahun! Sebab, baru 1986 Permerintah memberikan gelar proklamator secara resmi kepada mereka.
Kalau saja usul Bung Hatta diterima, tentu Indonesia punya "lebih dari dua" proklamator. Saat setelah konsep naskah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia rampung disusun di rumah Laksamana Maeda, Jl Imam Bonjol no 1, Jakarta, Bung Hatta mengusulkan semua yang hadir saat rapat din hari itu ikut menandatangani teks proklamasi yang akan dibacakan pagi harinya. Tetapi usul ditolak oleh Soekarni, seorang pemuda yang hadir. Rapat itu dihadiri Soekarno, Hatta dan calon proklamator yang gagal : Achmad Soebardjo, Soekarni dan Sajuti Melik.
"Huh, diberi kesempatan membuat sejarah tidak mau", gerutu Bung Hatta karena usulnya ditolak.
Perjuangan frontal melawan Belanda, ternyata tidak hanya menelan korban rakyat biasa, tetapi juga seorang menteri kabinet RI. Soepeno, Menteri Pembangunan dan Pemuda dalam Kabinet Hatta, merupakan satu-satunya menteri yang tewas ditembak Belanda.
Sebuah ujung revolver, dimasukkan ke dalam mulutnya dan diledakkan secara keji oleh seorang tentara Belanda. Pelipis kirinya tembus kena peluru. Kejadian tersebut terjadi pada 24 Februari 1949 pagi di sebuah tempat di Kabupaten Nganjuk , Jawa Timur. Saat itu, Soepeno dan ajudannya sedang mandi sebuah pancuran air terjun.
Belum ada negara di dunia yang memiliki ibu kota sampai tiga dalam kurun waktu relatif singkat. Antara 1945 dan 1948, Indonesia mempunyai 3 ibu kota, yakni Jakarta (1945-1946), Yogyakarta (1946-1948) dan Bukittinggi (1948-1949).
Panglima Besar Tentara Nasional Indonesia Jenderal Soedirman, pada kenyatannya tidak prnah menduduki jabatan resmi di kabinet RI.
Beliau tidak pernah menjadi KSAD, Pangab, bahkan menteri pertahanan sekalipun!
Wayang ternyata memiliki simbol pembawa sial bagi rezim yang memerintah Indonesia. Betapa tidak, pada 1938-1939, Pemerintah Hindia Belanda melalui De Javasche Bank menerbitkan uang kertas seri wayang orang dan pada 1942, Hindia Belanda runtuh dikalahkan Jepang.
Pada 1943, Pemerintah Pendudukan Jepang menerbitkan uang kertas seri wayang Arjuna dan Gatotkoco dan 1945, Jepang terusir dari Indonesia oleh pihak Sekutu.
Paa 1964, Presiden Soekarno mengeluarkan uang kertas baru seri wayang dengan pecahan Rp 1 dan Rp 2,5 dan 1965 menjadi awal keruntuhan pemerintahannya menyusul peristiwa G30S/PKI.
Perintah pertama Presiden Soekarno saat dipilih sebagai presiden pertama RI, bukanlah membentuk sebuah kabinet atau menandatangani sebuah dekret, melainkan memanggil tukang sate !!!
Itu dilakukannya dalam perjalanan pulang, setelah terpilih secara aklamasi sebagai presiden. Kebetulan di jalan bertemu seorang tukang sate bertelanjang dada dan nyeker (tidak memakai alas kaki).
"Sate ayam lima puluh tusuk!", perintah Presiden Soekarno.
Disantapnya sate dengan lahap dekat sebuah selokan yang kotor. Dan itulah, perintah pertama pada rakyatnya sekaligus pesta pertama atas pengangkatannya sebagai pemimpin dari 70 juta jiwa lebih rakyat dari sebuah negara besar yang baru berusia satu hari.
Kita sudah mengetahui, hubungan antara Bung Karno dan Belanda tidaklah mesra. Tetapi Belanda pernah memberikan kenangan yang tak akan pernah dilupakan oleh Bun Karno.
Enam hari menjelang Natal 1948, Belanda memberikan hadiah Natal di Minggu pagi, saat orang ingin pergi ke gereja, berupa bom yang menghancurkan atap dapurnya. Hari itu, 19 Desember 1948, ibu kota Yogyakarta jatuh ke tangan Belanda.
Sutan Sjahrir, mantan Perdana Menteri RI pertama, menjadi orang Indonesia yang memiliki prestasi "luar biasa" dan tidak akan pernah ada yang menandinginya. Waktu beliau wafat 1966 di Zurich, Swiss, statusnya sebagai tahanan politik. Tetapi waktu dimakamkan di Jakarta beberapa hari kemudian, statusnya berubah sebagai Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia.
Senin, 30 Mei 2011
Orang Pertama Yang Mengalami Serangan Jantung Koroner
Amsterdam - An Egyptian princess who lived 3,500 years ago this was the first person known to have coronary heart disease. Like what?
Coronary vessels princess Ahmose-mummy-Amon Meryet Egyptian who lived 1550-1580 BCE (BCE), the whole body visualized using computed tomography scan. The scan showed, this daughter died at the age of 40 years.
In coronary artery daughters, two of the three of them have atherosclerosis. Chief Investigator Dr Gregory S Thomas of the University of California said, "It should be this princess received bypass surgery."
At first researchers thought that atherosclerosis could only be found in modern life but it is certainly atherosclerosis also appeared 3,500 years ago. According to Thomas, diet may be a factor.
"A diet is not a general's daughter in Egypt. As part of the royal family, she would eat fancy food (meat and the like), and foods that contain lots of salt that can cause this attack, "he concluded.
These findings will be presented at a medical conference in Amsterdam.
Coronary vessels princess Ahmose-mummy-Amon Meryet Egyptian who lived 1550-1580 BCE (BCE), the whole body visualized using computed tomography scan. The scan showed, this daughter died at the age of 40 years.
In coronary artery daughters, two of the three of them have atherosclerosis. Chief Investigator Dr Gregory S Thomas of the University of California said, "It should be this princess received bypass surgery."
At first researchers thought that atherosclerosis could only be found in modern life but it is certainly atherosclerosis also appeared 3,500 years ago. According to Thomas, diet may be a factor.
"A diet is not a general's daughter in Egypt. As part of the royal family, she would eat fancy food (meat and the like), and foods that contain lots of salt that can cause this attack, "he concluded.
These findings will be presented at a medical conference in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam – Seorang putri Mesir yang hidup 3.500 tahun silam ini merupakan orang pertama yang diketahui mengalami serangan jantung koroner. Seperti apa?

Pembuluh koroner mumi putri Ahmose-Meryet-Amon Mesir yang hidup 1550-1580 Sebelum Masehi (SM) ini, seluruh tubuhnya divisualisasikan menggunakan pindai tomografi komputer. Hasil pindai menunjukkan, putri ini meninggal dunia saat berusia 40 tahun.
Pada pembuluh koroner putri ini, dua dari tiga di antaranya memiliki atherosclerosis. Kepala Penyelidik Dr Gregory S Thomas dari University of California mengatakan, "Seharusnya putri ini menerima bedah bypass."
Awalnya peneliti mengira atherosclerosis hanya bisa ditemui di kehidupan modern namun jelas atherosclerosis juga muncul 3.500 tahun silam. Menurut Thomas, pola makan mungkin menjadi faktornya.
“Pola makan putri ini tak umum di Mesir. Sebagai bagian keluarga kerajaan, ia pasti makan makanan mewah (daging dan sejenisnya), dan makanan yang mengandung banyak garam yang bisa menimbulkan serangan ini," tutupnya.
Temuan ini akan dipresentasikan di konferensi medis di Amsterdam.
Temuan ini akan dipresentasikan di konferensi medis di Amsterdam.
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011
Negeri 5 Menara (Country 5 Tower)
Country 5 Tower 
This novel tells about the life of six students from 6 different areas studying in Pondok Madani (PM) Roxburgh East Java away from home and managed to realize the dream of reaching the windows of the world. They are:
1. Alif Fikri Chaniago of Maninjau
2. King Lopez from Medan
3. Said Jufri from Surabaya
4. Dulmajid of Sumenep
5. Atang from Bandung
6. Baso Salahuddin of Gowa
Their school, learning and boarding from grade 1 to grade 6. Day by day they grow closer and have the same craze that is sitting under the tower lodge society. From the same indulgence they refer to themselves as Sahibul tower.
Alif was born on the edge of Lake Maninjau and never touched the ground outside the realm of Minangkabau. Childhood is a windfall hunt in the jungle of Bukit Barisan, playing ball in the muddy fields and take a bath in blue water of Lake Maninjau. Suddenly he had to take a bus three days and three nights across the back of Sumatra and Java into a remote village in East Java. His mother wanted him to become Buya Hamka though Alif want to Habibie. With a half-hearted mother she followed orders: learning in the lodge.
On the first day of class at Pondok Madani (PM), Alif fascinated with "spells" magic man wa jadda Jada. Who would seriously successful. He was astonished to hear Arabic football commentator, delirious child in English, and impressed to see the hut every morning like a float in the air.
Jewer punishment, united by a chain, Alif close friends with the King of Medan, Said from Surabaya, Dulmajid from Sumenep, Atang from Bandung and Baso of Gowa. Beneath the towering minarets, they waited, staring at the clouds violet Maghrib marched back to horizon. In the eyes their young, the clouds were transformed into a dream state and their respective continents. Where dreams take them? They do not know. All they know is: Do not ever underestimate the dream, even as high as anything. God really is Hearer.
How did they travel to the ends of this world begin? Who's number one horror they? What thrilling experience in the middle of the night next to the river where the genie exhaust the child? How do until someone whispering into a mysterious spy? Who was Princess of Madani who they're after-catch? Why should they be bald flashing? How to Icuk Sugiarto, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ibn Rushd, even Maradona to eventually interfere? Follow the journey of life is directly inspired from the eyes of the perpetrators. Five State Tower is the first book of a trilogy.
Size of book:
Dimensions: 13.5 x 20 cm Thickness: 432 pages Cover: Soft Cover ISBN: 978-979-22-4861-6 Category: Fiction and Literature / Novel / Original Novel
About the Author: A. Fuadi A. Fuadi born in Bayur, Lake Maninjau in 1972, not far from the village Buya Hamka. Fuadi migrated to Java, to obey his mother's request to enter religious schools. At Pondok Modern Gontor he met with scholars and religious teachers who teach science sincerity blessed life and afterlife science. Gontor also opened his heart to a simple but powerful formula, "man jadda wajada", who meant it will be successful.
Graduating class of International Relations, University of Padjadjaran, he became a journalist Tempo. His first journalism class lived in the duties of reporting under the guidance of senior journalists Tempo. In 1998, he received a Fulbright scholarship to lecture S2 at the School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University. Traveled to Washington DC with Yayi, wife --- who is also a Tempo journalist-was his childhood dream come true. While in college, they became correspondents and reporters TEMPO VOA. Historic news events of September 11 as they both reported directly from the Pentagon, the White House and Capitol Hill.
In 2004, another world opens the window again when he got the Chevening scholarship to study at Royal Holloway, University of London to the field of documentary film. Now, this photography enthusiasts became director of communications in a conservation NGOs: The Nature Conservancy.
Other figures
* Amak:
* Father / Fikri Syafnir / Katik Parpatiah Nan Mudo:
* Pak Sikumbang:
* Pak etek Muncak:
* Pak etek Gindo Marajo:
* Pak Sutan:
* Ismail Hamzah:
* Burhan:
Ustad * Salman:
* Kiai Amin Rais:
* Kak Iskandar Matrufi:
* Rajab Sujai / Tyson:
* Ustadz Torik:
* Raymond Jeffrey / Randai:
* Ustadz Surur:
* Ustadz Faris:
* Ustad Jamil:
* Ustadz Badil:
* Ustad Karim:
* Kak Jalal:
* Amir Thani:
* Mr. Jonas:
* Kurdish:
* Ustad Khalid:
* Shaliha:
* Sarah:
* Mbok Warsi:
* Zamzam:

This novel tells about the life of six students from 6 different areas studying in Pondok Madani (PM) Roxburgh East Java away from home and managed to realize the dream of reaching the windows of the world. They are:
1. Alif Fikri Chaniago of Maninjau
2. King Lopez from Medan
3. Said Jufri from Surabaya
4. Dulmajid of Sumenep
5. Atang from Bandung
6. Baso Salahuddin of Gowa
Their school, learning and boarding from grade 1 to grade 6. Day by day they grow closer and have the same craze that is sitting under the tower lodge society. From the same indulgence they refer to themselves as Sahibul tower.
Alif was born on the edge of Lake Maninjau and never touched the ground outside the realm of Minangkabau. Childhood is a windfall hunt in the jungle of Bukit Barisan, playing ball in the muddy fields and take a bath in blue water of Lake Maninjau. Suddenly he had to take a bus three days and three nights across the back of Sumatra and Java into a remote village in East Java. His mother wanted him to become Buya Hamka though Alif want to Habibie. With a half-hearted mother she followed orders: learning in the lodge.
On the first day of class at Pondok Madani (PM), Alif fascinated with "spells" magic man wa jadda Jada. Who would seriously successful. He was astonished to hear Arabic football commentator, delirious child in English, and impressed to see the hut every morning like a float in the air.
Jewer punishment, united by a chain, Alif close friends with the King of Medan, Said from Surabaya, Dulmajid from Sumenep, Atang from Bandung and Baso of Gowa. Beneath the towering minarets, they waited, staring at the clouds violet Maghrib marched back to horizon. In the eyes their young, the clouds were transformed into a dream state and their respective continents. Where dreams take them? They do not know. All they know is: Do not ever underestimate the dream, even as high as anything. God really is Hearer.
How did they travel to the ends of this world begin? Who's number one horror they? What thrilling experience in the middle of the night next to the river where the genie exhaust the child? How do until someone whispering into a mysterious spy? Who was Princess of Madani who they're after-catch? Why should they be bald flashing? How to Icuk Sugiarto, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ibn Rushd, even Maradona to eventually interfere? Follow the journey of life is directly inspired from the eyes of the perpetrators. Five State Tower is the first book of a trilogy.
Size of book:
Dimensions: 13.5 x 20 cm Thickness: 432 pages Cover: Soft Cover ISBN: 978-979-22-4861-6 Category: Fiction and Literature / Novel / Original Novel
About the Author: A. Fuadi A. Fuadi born in Bayur, Lake Maninjau in 1972, not far from the village Buya Hamka. Fuadi migrated to Java, to obey his mother's request to enter religious schools. At Pondok Modern Gontor he met with scholars and religious teachers who teach science sincerity blessed life and afterlife science. Gontor also opened his heart to a simple but powerful formula, "man jadda wajada", who meant it will be successful.
Graduating class of International Relations, University of Padjadjaran, he became a journalist Tempo. His first journalism class lived in the duties of reporting under the guidance of senior journalists Tempo. In 1998, he received a Fulbright scholarship to lecture S2 at the School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University. Traveled to Washington DC with Yayi, wife --- who is also a Tempo journalist-was his childhood dream come true. While in college, they became correspondents and reporters TEMPO VOA. Historic news events of September 11 as they both reported directly from the Pentagon, the White House and Capitol Hill.
In 2004, another world opens the window again when he got the Chevening scholarship to study at Royal Holloway, University of London to the field of documentary film. Now, this photography enthusiasts became director of communications in a conservation NGOs: The Nature Conservancy.
Other figures
* Amak:
* Father / Fikri Syafnir / Katik Parpatiah Nan Mudo:
* Pak Sikumbang:
* Pak etek Muncak:
* Pak etek Gindo Marajo:
* Pak Sutan:
* Ismail Hamzah:
* Burhan:
Ustad * Salman:
* Kiai Amin Rais:
* Kak Iskandar Matrufi:
* Rajab Sujai / Tyson:
* Ustadz Torik:
* Raymond Jeffrey / Randai:
* Ustadz Surur:
* Ustadz Faris:
* Ustad Jamil:
* Ustadz Badil:
* Ustad Karim:
* Kak Jalal:
* Amir Thani:
* Mr. Jonas:
* Kurdish:
* Ustad Khalid:
* Shaliha:
* Sarah:
* Mbok Warsi:
* Zamzam:
Negeri 5 Menara

- Alif Fikri Chaniago dari Maninjau
- Raja Lubis dari Medan
- Said Jufri dari Surabaya
- Dulmajid dari Sumenep
- Atang dari Bandung
- Baso Salahuddin dari Gowa
Mereka sekolah, belajar dan berasrama dari kelas 1 sampai kelas 6. Kian hari mereka semakin akrab dan memiliki kegemaran yang sama yaitu duduk dibawah menara pondok madani. Dari kegemaran yang sama mereka menyebut diri mereka sebagai Sahibul menara.
Alif lahir di pinggir Danau Maninjau dan tidak pernah menginjak tanah di luar ranah Minangkabau. Masa kecilnya adalah berburu durian runtuh di rimba Bukit Barisan, bermain bola di sawah berlumpur dan mandi di air biru Danau Maninjau. Tiba-tiba saja dia harus naik bus tiga hari tiga malam melintasi punggung Sumatera dan Jawa menuju sebuah desa di pelosok Jawa Timur. Ibunya ingin dia menjadi Buya Hamka walau Alif ingin menjadi Habibie. Dengan setengah hati dia mengikuti perintah Ibunya: belajar di pondok.
Di kelas hari pertamanya di Pondok Madani (PM), Alif terkesima dengan "mantera" sakti man jadda wa jada. Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh pasti sukses. Dia terheran-heran mendengar komentator sepakbola berbahasa Arab, anak mengigau dalam bahasa Inggris, dan terkesan melihat pondoknya setiap pagi seperti melayang di udara.
Dipersatukan oleh hukuman jewer berantai, Alif berteman dekat dengan Raja dari Medan, Said dari Surabaya, Dulmajid dari Sumenep, Atang dari Bandung dan Baso dari Gowa. Di bawah menara masjid yang menjulang, mereka menunggu Maghrib sambil menatap awan lembayung berarak pulang ke ufuk. Di mata
belia mereka, awan-awan itu menjelma menjadi negara dan benua impian masing-masing. Kemana impian membawa mereka? Mereka tidak tahu. Yang mereka tahu adalah: Jangan pernah remehkan impian, walau setinggi apa pun. Tuhan sungguh Maha Mendengar.
Bagaimana perjalanan mereka ke ujung dunia ini dimulai? Siapa horor nomor satu mereka? Apa pengalaman mendebarkan di tengah malam buta di sebelah sungai tempat jin buang anak? Bagaimana sampai ada yang kasak-kusuk menjadi mata-mata misterius? Siapa Princess of Madani yang mereka kejar-kejar? Kenapa mereka harus botak berkilat-kilat? Bagaimana sampai Icuk Sugiarto, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ibnu Rusyd, bahkan Maradona sampai akhirnya ikut campur? Ikuti perjalanan hidup yang inspiratif ini langsung dari mata para pelakunya. Negeri Lima Menara adalah buku pertama dari sebuah trilogi.
Ukuran buku:
Di kelas hari pertamanya di Pondok Madani (PM), Alif terkesima dengan "mantera" sakti man jadda wa jada. Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh pasti sukses. Dia terheran-heran mendengar komentator sepakbola berbahasa Arab, anak mengigau dalam bahasa Inggris, dan terkesan melihat pondoknya setiap pagi seperti melayang di udara.
Dipersatukan oleh hukuman jewer berantai, Alif berteman dekat dengan Raja dari Medan, Said dari Surabaya, Dulmajid dari Sumenep, Atang dari Bandung dan Baso dari Gowa. Di bawah menara masjid yang menjulang, mereka menunggu Maghrib sambil menatap awan lembayung berarak pulang ke ufuk. Di mata
belia mereka, awan-awan itu menjelma menjadi negara dan benua impian masing-masing. Kemana impian membawa mereka? Mereka tidak tahu. Yang mereka tahu adalah: Jangan pernah remehkan impian, walau setinggi apa pun. Tuhan sungguh Maha Mendengar.
Bagaimana perjalanan mereka ke ujung dunia ini dimulai? Siapa horor nomor satu mereka? Apa pengalaman mendebarkan di tengah malam buta di sebelah sungai tempat jin buang anak? Bagaimana sampai ada yang kasak-kusuk menjadi mata-mata misterius? Siapa Princess of Madani yang mereka kejar-kejar? Kenapa mereka harus botak berkilat-kilat? Bagaimana sampai Icuk Sugiarto, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ibnu Rusyd, bahkan Maradona sampai akhirnya ikut campur? Ikuti perjalanan hidup yang inspiratif ini langsung dari mata para pelakunya. Negeri Lima Menara adalah buku pertama dari sebuah trilogi.
Ukuran buku:
Dimensi: 13.5 x 20 cm
Tebal: 432 halaman
Cover: Soft Cover
ISBN: 978-979-22-4861-6
Kategori: Fiksi dan Sastra / Novel / Novel Asli
Tentang Pengarang: A. Fuadi
A. Fuadi lahir di Bayur, Danau Maninjau tahun 1972, tidak jauh dari kampung Buya Hamka. Fuadi merantau ke Jawa, mematuhi permintaan ibunya untuk masuk sekolah agama. Di Pondok Modern Gontor dia bertemu dengan kiai dan ustad yang diberkahi keikhlasan mengajarkan ilmu hidup dan ilmu akhirat. Gontor pula yang membukakan hatinya kepada rumus sederhana tapi kuat, "man jadda wajada", siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh akan sukses.
Lulus kuliah Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Padjadjaran, dia menjadi wartawan Tempo. Kelas jurnalistik pertamanya dijalani dalam tugas-tugas reportasenya di bawah bimbingan para wartawan senior Tempo. Tahun 1998, dia mendapat beasiswa Fulbright untuk kuliah S2 di School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University. Merantau ke Washington DC bersama Yayi, istrinya---yang juga wartawan Tempo-adalah mimpi masa kecilnya yang menjadi kenyataan. Sambil kuliah, mereka menjadi koresponden TEMPO dan wartawan VOA. Berita bersejarah seperti peristiwa 11 September dilaporkan mereka berdua langsung dari Pentagon, White House dan Capitol Hill.
Tahun 2004, jendela dunia lain terbuka lagi ketika dia mendapatkan beasiswa Chevening untuk belajar di Royal Holloway, University of London untuk bidang film dokumenter. Kini, penyuka fotografi ini menjadi Direktur Komunikasi di sebuah NGO konservasi: The Nature Conservancy.
Tebal: 432 halaman
Cover: Soft Cover
ISBN: 978-979-22-4861-6
Kategori: Fiksi dan Sastra / Novel / Novel Asli
Tentang Pengarang: A. Fuadi
A. Fuadi lahir di Bayur, Danau Maninjau tahun 1972, tidak jauh dari kampung Buya Hamka. Fuadi merantau ke Jawa, mematuhi permintaan ibunya untuk masuk sekolah agama. Di Pondok Modern Gontor dia bertemu dengan kiai dan ustad yang diberkahi keikhlasan mengajarkan ilmu hidup dan ilmu akhirat. Gontor pula yang membukakan hatinya kepada rumus sederhana tapi kuat, "man jadda wajada", siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh akan sukses.
Lulus kuliah Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Padjadjaran, dia menjadi wartawan Tempo. Kelas jurnalistik pertamanya dijalani dalam tugas-tugas reportasenya di bawah bimbingan para wartawan senior Tempo. Tahun 1998, dia mendapat beasiswa Fulbright untuk kuliah S2 di School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University. Merantau ke Washington DC bersama Yayi, istrinya---yang juga wartawan Tempo-adalah mimpi masa kecilnya yang menjadi kenyataan. Sambil kuliah, mereka menjadi koresponden TEMPO dan wartawan VOA. Berita bersejarah seperti peristiwa 11 September dilaporkan mereka berdua langsung dari Pentagon, White House dan Capitol Hill.
Tahun 2004, jendela dunia lain terbuka lagi ketika dia mendapatkan beasiswa Chevening untuk belajar di Royal Holloway, University of London untuk bidang film dokumenter. Kini, penyuka fotografi ini menjadi Direktur Komunikasi di sebuah NGO konservasi: The Nature Conservancy.
Tokoh-tokoh Lain
- Amak :
- Ayah / Fikri Syafnir / Katik Parpatiah Nan Mudo :
- Pak Sikumbang :
- Pak Etek Muncak :
- Pak Etek Gindo Marajo :
- Pak Sutan :
- Ismail Hamzah :
- Burhan :
- Ustadz Salman :
- Kiai Amin Rais :
- Kak Iskandar Matrufi :
- Rajab Sujai / Tyson :
- Ustadz Torik :
- Raymond Jeffry / Randai :
- Ustadz Surur :
- Ustadz Faris :
- Ustadz Jamil :
- Ustadz Badil :
- Ustadz Karim :
- Kak Jalal :
- Amir Tsani :
- Pak Yunus :
- Kurdi :
- Ustadz Khalid :
- Shaliha :
- Sarah :
- Mbok Warsi :
- Zamzam :
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